What does loading the dishwasher have to do with future-readiness?

What would you think if I said that we can learn a lot about building a future-ready culture from loading the dishwasher?

And yes, I am being 100% serious!

Most of us like to load the dishwasher in a particular way, and we tend to think that our way is the right way. Now replace “loading the dishwasher” with “developing a project plan” or “pitching the client” or any number of things you do throughout your work day.

There are always alternative approaches in every situation, and being open to new approaches will help you navigate the future of work and build a future-ready culture.

Watch this 60-second video to learn more how staying open to new possibilities – even ones you disagree with – can help you foster innovation and become future-ready.

Future Of Work: Summary Report

The Future Of Work: Summary Report cover

A new report on The Future of Work is OUT! I was happy to contribute to this report by McLean & Company along with other experts and thought leaders. (Part of me was like WOW – look who I’m with! I’m still a little kid at heart…see the pic below.)

Gregg Brown on an excavator

Yup still a boy at heart. Look at me in an excavator! I’m driving the bulldozer later this week.

Given that 50% of the planet is undergoing elections this year, I thought this was on point:

“The definition of what it means to be a leader is undergoing a profound transformation…With an anticipated increase in workforce diversity and an environment of polarization, leaders must be able to manage interpersonal complexities in the workforce to a far greater extent than ever before.”

And  this:

Employee preferences are changing:

71% of those between the ages of 18 and 29 report they are willing to leave their employer for another that creates a more positive social impact.

Just 29% of those over the age of 60 reported they would do the same.

You can download the Summary Report here: https://hr.mcleanco.com/research/ss/future-of-work-summary-report

Full report out in September.

The Future Of Work Toolkit

The Summary Report above highlights the key drivers of change that will shape the future of work. Do you have the tools to navigate that change?

The four resources in the Future of Work Toolkit will help you do just that!

Download your copy to help you get future-ready, so you can handle whatever comes up.