When 2022 starts to feel like 2021 Featured Image

When 2022 Starts to Feel Like 2021…

Hello hello hello!

Like most of you, I’m completely sick of Omicron – what is it – a Transformer from the Transformer movies?  No seriously, it’s actually a Greek letter from the Greek Alphabet – an  O. And Oh Boy, am I over it.

Given 2022 is starting to feel like 2021 around most of the world, it’s easy to feel uninspired and frustrated with this seemingly never-ending virus.

I’m completely done with it as I know you are.

As I mentioned last month, the good news is pandemics always end. They do. So that’s what I’m holding onto.

I find during these times, it’s the simple practical tips that we can use and remember vs the larger scale frameworks and theories.

This month, I want to leave you with our top 5 articles from 2021 that include these types of tips.

Click on which one seems most relevant and useful for you.


Top 5 Blogs & Articles of 2021

How to Address and Overcome Imposter Syndrome featured Image


 1. How to Address and Overcome Imposter Syndrome – Forbes

Imposter syndrome is a common issue that plagues many people who struggle with feeling inadequate in their chosen career field. This article gives readers tips and tricks on how to break through it.


3 Ways Creative Entrepreneurs Can Innovate in a Post-Pandemic World Featured Image


2. 3 Ways Creative Entrepreneurs Can Innovate in a Post-Pandemic World – Rolling Stone

Innovation is key for creative entrepreneurs to stay ahead of the curve in a post-pandemic world. This article outlines three different ways you can prepare yourself for that task. They include watching out for imposter syndrome, setting your mindset to innovate, and adjusting your internal monologue and language.

How to Influence Change: 6 Things NOT to Say (And What to Say Instead!) Open Graph


3. How to Influence Change: 6 Things NOT to Say (And What to Say Instead!)

How we influence and speak to our employees and coworkers as they face challenges (both personally and professionally) can improve their outlook and, therefore, their future thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Choosing the right words is thus beneficial to the individual AND the organization. Here’s a shortlist of what to say and not say.

How to Avoid the Tyranny of Positive thinking Featured Image

4. How to Avoid the Tyranny of Positive Thinking

This One-Minute Video Tip is an excerpt I did from a keynote last year. Learn how to avoid the tyranny of positive thinking and find out why just selling people on the benefits of change is not a good idea! Check out here.

5. How to Manage Worry During Change

We are currently living through a global crisis, unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetime. Our personal and professional lives have been disrupted. Learn in this article how to manage the fears and worry you are justifiably feeling.

Have a good month!